The Many Ways Lateral Pipe Lining Ensures Efficiency

Home / The Many Ways Lateral Pipe Lining Ensures Efficiency

Pipe being lined

When your clients need prompt restoration of a damaged sewer line, your choice of lateral pipe lining supplies and equipment makes a big difference in project completion times and the quality of the results. At PrimeLine Products Inc., we offer a range of lateral pipe lining solutions to enhance your productivity. Each of these tools offers features that help you serve more clients and complete projects in less time.

Adapt to Different Configurations and Sizes

Our lateral pipe lining system options allow you to adapt to different pipe configurations without stopping to change heads or cables. This minimizes your downtime. The lateral lining products also allow you to handle changes in pipe diameter with ease. This facilitates faster completion of projects on older homes and buildings that have had multiple repairs and replacements over the years.

Line in Either Orientation

Your customer’s pipes may be in a horizontal or vertical orientation. The lateral lining materials and Hotkick liner gun allow you to line both types of configurations. These tools launch through roof, basement, and pool drains.

Cure Pipes Faster

In most pipe lining projects, curing time involves a lot of waiting. With the Maxliner lateral lining system, hot water curing drastically reduces the amount of time that the epoxy resin requires for hardening. A faster curing time allows you to restore service to the pipe and move along to the next project.

Using the best tools for the job reduces downtime, minimizes repairs, and lowers your operational costs, and only the best tools are available on our online store. We choose equipment designed with durability, low maintenance, and ease of use so that you can serve more clients and expand your range of trenchless pipe rehabilitation services. To learn more about the ways our lateral pipe lining equipment can improve your company’s efficiency, get in touch with us at PrimeLine Products!



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