UV Manhole Rehab

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UV Manhole Rehabilitation Solutions from PrimeLine Products

UV light curing solutions are an increasingly popular option for trenchless contractors. The power efficiency, portability, and incredible cure rate of this technology make it a powerful contender in the field. For reliable results, trust only PrimeLine Products.


Spectra UV manhole heads both rely on LED light sources with a peak UV-C wavelength of 400nm. The 1800W weighs 5.35 kg and has a total power of 1800 watts, while the 2400W weighs 7.10 kg and has an output of 2400W.

Main Features

Specialized UV heads are adapted to the unique dimensions and demands of manhole rehabilitation compared to typical infrastructure. The Spectra 1800W for SpeedyLight+ and 2400W for the LEDRig are both made from aluminum and copper with onboard sensors and video detection capabilities.

Key Benefits

There are some good reasons why so many trenchless plumbers are turning to UV curing technology. It’s safe for people and has a very low environmental impact. Units like the SpeedyLight+ have minimal power, upkeep, or manpower costs to operate, which makes them a great choice for contractors of any scale.

Address Your Manhole Rehabilitation Needs Today

Learn more about SpeedyLight+, LEDRig, and other UV light-curing equipment by contacting PrimeLine Products. Our team is ready to help contractors and businesses take a big step into the future of the industry with our innovative technology and powerful solutions. Make a purchase by visiting the online store today.

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