Sectional Lining Kits

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Sectional Lining Kits from PrimeLine Products

Point repair is a type of surgical solution to conduct minor repairs with very little cost, delay or property disruption. Sectional lining or patching is appropriate for many types of localized damage, including joint leaks and fractures.

Notable Features

Our sectional lining kits are a quick and comprehensive solution for plumbers who are expanding their trenchless inventory. They include all of the essential supplies, tools, and instructions needed to apply lining patches. Pricing depends on the target size range, with kits available for pipe diameters of 2 to 36 inches.

Our PrimeLiner sectional repair kit includes:

  • Rolled fiberglass mat
  • Silicate resin compound
  • Application spatula
  • Bucket and mixing tool
  • Gloves, zip ties, and drop cloth

Contractor Benefits

Plumbing and trenchless contractors of any size or experience level can benefit from using kits because they are simple, contained, and cost-effective. Buyers don’t have to worry about realizing they forgot a vital component or accessory at the last minute. All the components and ingredients are also balanced for efficient use and minimal waste.

Find Out More About Our Sectional Lining Kits

Contact the team at PrimeLine Products to learn more about our sectional lining kits and what kind of information you need to choose the right ones. We are here to help you find solutions that expand your services, grow your business, and impress your customers. Feel free to call us or head over to our online store to purchase one today.

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