Why Dancutter Tools Are Better

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Dancutter tools

When your plumbing contracting business replaces conduits, liners, and pipes, you need effective and efficient equipment. Dancutter products allow your crew to perform a variety of work without switching between machines or dealing with a complicated setup.

At PrimeLine Products, we only stock the best tools, including Dancutter equipment.

Cut Through Anything

Your crew may not know the type of pipe they need to work on until they get to the job site. With Dancutter tools, pipe materials don’t matter. These products cut through clay, cast iron, concrete, copper, and more. They handle multiple bends of up to 90 degrees and take on complicated plumbing configurations with ease. These cutters make quick work of thick mineral scale and other pipe obstructions.

Engage Precision Control

Dancutter equipment comes standard with a 12-inch color monitor. This monitor allows you to watch real-time progress as the tool moves through the pipes and mills, grinds, or cuts it. The steering system with a centering control on the panel allows you to make slight adjustments to the course of the cutter, ensuring that the 360-degree rotation of the blades reaches every part of the pipe’s interior surface.

Expand Your Services With Accessories

If you need to work on larger pipes or longer segments, Dancutter tools offer toolbox upgrades. These upgrade kits include larger heads and expansion accessories that facilitate cutting, milling, and grinding in pipes measuring more than 12 inches in diameter. This allows you to handle unexpected pipe sizes or changes in diameter with ease.

The right tool for the job ensures a successful result. That is why we offer a full range of tools and supplies on our online store. With Dancutter equipment, your company can boost productivity, cut operational costs, and expand your range of services to more clients. 

To learn more about Dancutter tools, reach out to us at PrimeLine Products any time.



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