Understanding the Main Advantages of Epoxy Liners

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Epoxy Pipe Lining’s Main Advantages

As pipelines across the country age, more residential and commercial customers will seek restoration or replacement. At PrimeLine Products, we offer epoxy pipe lining products that provide long-lasting and cost-effective solutions. Understanding the main advantages of epoxy helps you assist your customers and make informed decisions about the best methods and materials to use on all of your trenchless pipe rehabilitation projects.

Affordable Method for Pipe Restoration

Epoxy liners and pipe lining systems offer an affordable way to repair pipes with mild to moderate damage. The lining process costs less than digging a trench and repairing a pipe or pipe segment through conventional methods. Epoxy liners also cost less than removing and replacing salvageable pipes.

Repairs Leaks

Epoxy liners address leaks in pipes. They work with trenchless equipment to stop sewage, water, or petroleum from seeping into basements, foundations, slabs, soil, and groundwater. The liners resist groundwater intrusion, even in areas with high water tables.

Safe for the Environment

Epoxy liners and trenchless pipe lining equipment don’t leach any chemicals into the air, soil, or groundwater. The liners undergo thorough testing and use proven-safe ingredients. By preventing leaks of raw sewage, petroleum, and other hazardous products, the liners safeguard your property and the surrounding environment.

Rapid Results and Long Lifespan

When you install epoxy liners, you quickly restore service to your customer’s pipe. This minimizes disruption and downtime and results in high customer satisfaction ratings. Not only do epoxy liners cure quickly with heat, steam, hot water, or UV light, but they also offer a long lifespan. Their life expectancy of at least 50 years means that your clients won’t have to deal with additional repairs on the same pipe.

Visit our online store and check out all of our pipe lining products. We offer an array of equipment that will surely fit your project needs. Contact us today at PrimeLine Products for more information about our trenchless equipment for sale as well as epoxy liners!



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